Summary of useful qual tips:
Slightly obvious but good to remember:
- Subgroups of abelian groups are automatically normal.
- If \(N\) is normal in \(G\), then \(N\) is normal in any subgroup containing it.
- If \(N\leq G\) is the unique group of order \({\sharp}N\), then \(N\) is normal (since any conjugate must have the same size).
- Using the subgroup correspondence: if \(L/H\leq G/H\) then \(L\leq G\) has size \({\sharp}(L/H){\sharp}H\).
Sizes and structure:
- Quotienting by bigger groups yields smaller indices:
- \(x\) is central iff \([x] = \left\{{e}\right\}\).
- Unions aren’t (generally) subgroups, intersections always are.
- Coprime order subgroups intersect trivially.
- Distinct subgroups of order \(p^n, p^m\) can intersect trivially or in subgroups of order \(p^{\ell}\).
- Sizes of conjugacy classes divide \({\sharp}G\) (by orbit-stabilizer).
- Conjugate subgroups have equal cardinality.
- Normal subgroups absorb conjugacy classes, and are thus unions of conjugacy classes.
- Reasoning about conjugacy classes: in \(S_n\) they’re precisely determined by cycle type, i.e. a partition of \(n\).
- Remembering the class equation: for literally any group action \(\phi: G\curvearrowright X\), one has \(X = \mathrm{Fix}(\phi) {\textstyle\coprod}' {\mathrm{Orb}}(x_i)\) as a disjoint union of fixed points and nontrivial orbits, since orbits partition \(X\). Then take your action to be \(G\curvearrowright G\) by \(\phi: g.x\coloneqq gxg^{-1}\) to get \(\mathrm{Fix}(\phi) = Z(G)\) and \({\mathrm{Orb}}(x_i) = \left\{{gx_ig^{-1}}\right\} = [x_i]\) the conjugacy classes. Now apply orbit stabilizer to get \({\mathrm{Orb}}(x) \cong G/{\operatorname{Stab}}(x)\) where \({\operatorname{Stab}}(x) = Z(x) = C_G(x)\) the centralizer.
- Cosets partition a group.
- Anything dealing with indices \([G:H]\): try just listing the cosets.
- \(aH = bH \iff ab^{-1}\in H\).
- Showing subgroup containment: \(K \subseteq H\) iff \(kH = H\) for all \(k\in K\).
- If \(S_p\) is normal, then \(S_p\) is characteristic. This is useful if \(H\leq G\) and \(P\in{\operatorname{Syl}}_p(H)\) is normal in \(H\), then \(P\) is also normal in \(G\).
For any \(p\) dividing the order of \(G\), \(\mathrm{Syl}_p(G)\) denotes the set of Sylow\({\hbox{-}}p\) subgroups of \(G\).
An set morphism that is either injective or surjective between sets of the same size is automatically a bijection. It turns out that a group morphism between groups of the same size that is either injective or surjective is automatically a bijection, and the inverse is automatically a group morphism, so bijective group morphisms are isomorphisms.
If \(a, b\in {\mathbf{Z}}\) with \(\gcd(a, b) = d\), then there exist \(s,t\in {\mathbf{Z}}\) such that \begin{align*} as + bt = d .\end{align*}
This \(d\) can be computed using the extended Euclidean algorithm.
Useful context clue! In particular, this works when \(a, b\) are coprime and \(d=1\), since you can write \(x^1 = x^{as + bt} = x^{as}x^{bt}\) to get interesting information about orders of elements. If you see “coprime” in a finite group question, try the division algorithm.
The order of an element \(g\in G\), denoted \(n \coloneqq o(g)\), is the smallest \(n\in {\mathbf{Z}}^{\geq 0}\) such that \(g^n = e\).
Show that the order of any element in a group divides the order of the group.
An expression of the form \(G = \left\langle{S {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}R}\right\rangle\) where \(S\) is a set of elements and \(R\) a set of words defining relations means that \(G \coloneqq F[S] / { \operatorname{cl}}_n(R)\) where \(F[S]\) is the free group on the set \(S\) and \({ \operatorname{cl}}_n(R)\) is the normal closure, the smallest normal subgroup of \(F[S]\) containing \(R\).
Finding morphisms between presentations: if \(G\) is presented with generators \(g_i\) with relations \(r_i\) and \(H\) is any group containing elements \(h_i\) also satisfying \(r_i\), there is a group morphism \begin{align*} \phi: G &\to H \\ g_i &\mapsto h_i \quad \forall i .\end{align*} Why this exists: the presentation yields a surjective morphism \(\pi: F(g_i) \to G\) with \(G\cong F(g_i) / \ker \pi\). Define a map \(\psi: F(g_i) \to H\) where \(g_i\mapsto h_i\), then since the \(h_i\) satisfy the relations \(r_i\), \(\ker \pi \subseteq \ker \psi\). So \(\psi\) factors through \(\ker \pi\) yielding a morphism \(F/\ker \pi \to H\).
A subset \(H\subseteq G\) is a subgroup iff
- Closure: \(HH \subset H\)
- Identity: \(e\in H\)
- Inverses: \(g\in H \iff g^{-1}\in H\).
If \(H\subset G\), then \(\left\langle{H}\right\rangle\) is the smallest subgroup containing \(H\): \begin{align*} \left\langle{H}\right\rangle = \cap\left\{{H{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}H\subseteq M \leq G}\right\} M = \left\{{ h_1^{\pm 1} \cdots h_n^{\pm 1} {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}n\geq 0, h_i \in H}\right\} \end{align*} where adjacent \(h_i\) are distinct.
The commutator subgroup of \(G\) is denoted \([G, G] \leq G\). It is the subgroup generated by all elementary commutators: \begin{align*} [G, G] \coloneqq\left\langle{ aba^{-1}b^{-1}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}a, b\in G }\right\rangle .\end{align*} It is the smallest normal subgroup \(N{~\trianglelefteq~}G\) such that \(G/N\) is abelian, so if \(H\leq G\) and \(G/H\) is abelian, \(H\subseteq [G, G]\).
Note that elements in \([G, G]\) are generally products of elementary commutators, and not elementary themselves, since we’re taking the group generated by them.
If \(H \subseteq G\) and \(a,b\in H \implies ab^{-1}\in H\), then \(H\leq G\).
- Identity: \(a=b=x\implies xx^{-1}=e\in H\)
- Inverses: \(a=e, b=x \implies x^{-1}\in H\).
- Closure: let \(x, y\in H\), then \(y^{-1}\in H\) by above, so \(xy = x(y^{-1})^{-1}\in H\).
Show that the intersection of two subgroups is again a subgroup.
- Hint: one-step subgroup test.
- Show that if \(H\coloneqq C_m, K\coloneqq C_n \leq G\) are cyclic, then \(H \cap K = C_{d}\) where \(d \coloneqq\gcd(m, n)\).
- Show that the intersection of two subgroups with coprime orders is trivial.
- Show that the union of two subgroups \(H, K\) is a subgroup iff \(H \subset K\), and so is generally not a subgroup.
- Show that subgroups with the same prime order are either equal or intersect trivially.
- Important for Sylow theory: show (perhaps by example) that if \(S_1, S_2\) are distinct subgroups of order \(p^k\), then it’s possible for their intersection to be trivial or for them to intersect in a subgroup of order \(p^\ell\) for \(1\leq \ell \leq k-1\).
- Give a counterexample where \(H,K\leq G\) but \(HK\) is not a subgroup of \(G\).
The conjugacy class of \(h\) is defined as \begin{align*} C(h) \coloneqq\left\{{ ghg^{-1}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}g\in G }\right\} .\end{align*}
\([e] = \left\{{ e }\right\}\) is always in a conjugacy class of size one – this is useful for counting and divisibility arguments. Conjugacy classes are not subgroups in general, since they don’t generally contain \(e\). However, by orbit-stabilizer and the conjugation action, their sizes always divide the order of \(G\).
Useful qual fact: \([x] = \left\{{ x }\right\} \iff x\in Z(G)\), i.e. having a trivial conjugacy class is the same as being central.
Two subgroups \(H, K \leq G\) are conjugate iff there exists some \(g\in G\) such that \(gHg^{-1}= K\). Note that all conjugate subgroups have the same cardinality.
Show that the size of a conjugacy class divides the order of a group.
Show that if \(H < G\) is a proper subgroup, then \(\bigcup_{g\in G} gHg^{-1}\subset G\) is a proper subset.
Hint: consider the intersection and count. Try Orbit-stabilizer?
Strategy: bound the cardinality. All conjugates of \(H\) have the same cardinality, say \({\sharp}H = m\). Suppose there are \(n\) distinct conjugates of \(H\). Then they intersect only at the identity, so count their elements: \begin{align*} {\sharp}\bigcup_{g\in G} gHg^{-1}= 1 + n(m-1) .\end{align*} Use that \(n = [G: N_G(H)]\) by Orbit-Stabilizer, and \(N_G(H) \leq G \implies n \leq n' \coloneqq[G:H]\). Now note \(n'm = {\sharp}H[G:H] = {\sharp}G\) by Lagrange: \begin{align*} {\sharp}\bigcup_{g\in G} gHg^{-1} &= 1 + n(m-1) \\ &\leq 1 + n'(m-1) \\ &= 1 + n'm -n' \\ &= 1 + {\sharp}G - n' \\ &= {\sharp}G - (n' - 1) \\ &< {\sharp}G && \iff n' \coloneqq[G:H] > 1 .\end{align*}
Show that normal groups absorb conjugacy classes: if \(N{~\trianglelefteq~}G\) and \([g_i]\) is a conjugacy class in \(g\), either \([g_i] \subseteq N\) or \([g_i] \cap N = \emptyset\).
Prove that the size of a conjugacy class of \(g_i\) is the index of its centralizer, \([G: Z(g_i)] \coloneqq[G: C_G(g_i)]\).
Normal Subgroups
A subgroup \(N\leq G\) is normal iff \(gH = Hg\) for every \(g\in G\), or equivalently \(gHg^{-1}= H\) for all \(g\), so \(H\) has only itself as a conjugate. We denote this by \(N{~\trianglelefteq~}G\). Equivalently, for every inner automorphism \(\psi \in \mathop{\mathrm{Inn}}(G)\), \(\psi(N) = N\).
\(N{~\trianglelefteq~}G \iff N = {\textstyle\coprod}' [h_i]\) is a disjoint union of conjugacy classes, where the index set for this union is one \(h_i\) from each conjugacy class.
Note that \(C(h_i) = \left\{{ gh_i g^{-1}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}g\in G }\right\}\), and \(gh_i g^{-1}\in H\) since \(H\) is normal, so \(C(h_i) \subseteq G\) for all \(i\). Conversely, if \(C(h_i) \subseteq H\) for all \(h_i \in H\), then \(gh_ig^{-1}\in H\) for all \(i\) and \(H\) is normal.
- Show that if \(H, K {~\trianglelefteq~}G\) and \(H\cap K = \emptyset\), then \(hk=kh\) for all \(h\in H,k\in K\).
- Show that if \(H,K{~\trianglelefteq~}G\) are normal subgroups that intersect trivially, then \([H, K] = 1\) (so \(hk = kh\) for all \(k\) and \(h\)).
Prove that if \(G\) is a \(p{\hbox{-}}\)group, every subgroup \(N{~\trianglelefteq~}G\) intersects the center \(Z(G)\).
Hint: use the class equation.
Easy solution:
- Use that \({\sharp}H \operatorname{mod}p = 1\) since \(H\leq G\) and \(G\) is a \(p{\hbox{-}}\)group.
- Then use that \(H\) is a union of conjugacy classes, and since \(e\in H\) there is at least one class of size 1, so \begin{align*} {\sharp}H = {\sharp}{\textstyle\coprod}' [h_i] = {\sharp}[e] + \sum' {\sharp}[h_i] \\ \implies 0 \equiv {\sharp}H \equiv 1 + \sum' {\sharp}[h_i] \operatorname{mod}p ,\end{align*} and since each \({\sharp}[h_i]\) divides \({\sharp}H\), not all can be of size \(p^\ell\) since then the sum would be \(0\operatorname{mod}p\). So at least one other \({\sharp}[h_i] = 1\), making that \(h_i\) central.
Another solution:
Idea: use the class equation to force \(p\) to divide \({\sharp}(H \cap Z(G))\). Applying it to \(H\) yields \begin{align*} H = Z(H) {\textstyle\coprod}_{i=1}^m [h_i] ,\end{align*} where the \([h_i]\) are conjugacy classes of size greater than 1.
Now use that \(Z(H) = Z(G) \cap H\), and since \(p\) divides the LHS the result will follow if \(p\) divides the size of the disjoint union on the RHS.
This is true because each \({\sharp}[h_i] \neq 1\) and \([h_i]\) divides \({\sharp}H\) which divides \({\sharp}G\) which is a power of \(p\). So \(p\divides {\sharp}[h_i]\) for each \(i\).
Centralizing and Centers
The centralizer of an element is defined as \begin{align*} Z(h) \coloneqq C_G(h) \coloneqq\left\{{ g\in G {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}ghg^{-1}= h }\right\} ,\end{align*} the elements of \(G\) the stabilize \(h\) under conjugation.
The centralizer of a subset \(H\) is defined as \begin{align*} Z(H) \coloneqq C_G(H) \coloneqq\bigcap_{h\in H} C_G(h) \coloneqq\left\{{g\in G {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}ghg^{-1}= h ~\forall h\in H}\right\} ,\end{align*} the elements of \(G\) that simultaneously stabilize all of \(H\) pointwise under conjugation.
\begin{align*} N_G(H) = \left\{{g\in G {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}gHg^{-1}= H}\right\} = \bigcup_{M\in S} M, \quad S \coloneqq\left\{{H{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}H {~\trianglelefteq~}M \leq G}\right\} \end{align*} Contrast to the centralizer: these don’t have to fix \(H\) pointwise, but instead can permute elements of \(H\).
\(C_G(H) {~\trianglelefteq~}N_G(H)\) for any \(H\). The main difference between these is that \(C_G(S)\) has to centralize \(H\) pointwise, where \(N_G(H)\) allows the weaker condition of centralizing \(H\) as a set (potentially permuting elements within \(H\)).
This is maybe easier to remember for Lie algebras: there \begin{align*} C_{{\mathfrak{g}}}({\mathfrak{h}}) = \left\{{x\in {\mathfrak{g}}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}[xh] = 0 \,\forall h\in {\mathfrak{h}}}\right\} N_{{\mathfrak{g}}}({\mathfrak{h}}) = \left\{{x\in {\mathfrak{g}}{~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}[xh] \in {\mathfrak{h}}\,\forall h\in {\mathfrak{h}}}\right\} .\end{align*} So \([x, {-}]_{{\mathfrak{h}}} = 0\) for central \(x\) and \(\operatorname{im}[x, {-}]_{{\mathfrak{h}}} \subseteq {\mathfrak{h}}\) for normal elements.
The center of \(G\) is defined as \begin{align*} Z(G) = \left\{{ g\in G {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}[g, h] = e \, \forall h\in H}\right\} = \left\{{ g\in G {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}Z(g) = G }\right\} ,\end{align*} the subgroup of central elements: those \(g\in G\) that commute with every element of \(G\).
- Show that if \(G/Z(G)\) is cyclic then \(G\) is abelian.
- Show that \(G/N\) is abelian iff \([G, G] \leq N\).
Show that normal subgroups are not necessarily contained in \(Z(G)\).
- Hint: consider the order 3 subgroup of \(S_3\).
The \(G/Z(G)\) theorem:
- Write \(H\coloneqq Z(G)\) and \(G/H = \left\langle{xH}\right\rangle\) as a cyclic quotient.
- Fix \(a, b\in G\), then \(aH = x^n H\) and \(bH = x^m H\).
- So \(ax^{-n} = h_1, bx^{-m} = h_2\) where the \(h_i\) are now central.
- Now write \(ab = (x^n h_1)(x^m h_2) = ba\) by commuting everything.
\begin{align*} K\leq H \leq G \implies [G: K] = [G:H] [H: K] .\end{align*}
If \(H\leq K \leq G\), then \begin{align*} {\sharp}G = [G:1] \geq [G:H] \geq [G:K] \geq [G:G] = 1 .\end{align*} In particular, If \(H, K\leq G\) are just arbitrary, since \(H \cap K \leq H, K\) we have \([H: H \cap K] \geq [G:H] \text{ and } [G:K]\).
Write \(G/H \cap K \coloneqq G/J = \left\{{ h_1J, \cdots, h_m J }\right\}\) as distinct cosets where \(m\coloneqq[G:H]\) and the \(h_i\) are all in \(H\). Then \(i\neq j\implies h_i h_j^{-1}\not \in H \cap K\), but \(h_i h_j^{-1}\in H\) since subgroups are closed under products and inverses, which forces \(h_i h_j^{-1}\not\in K\). So \(h_i K \neq h_j K\), meaning there are at least \(m\) cosets in \(G/K\), so \([G:K] \geq m\).
Any two cosets \(xH, yH\) are either equal or disjoint.
\(x\in xH\), since \(e\in H\) because \(H\) is a subgroup and we can take \(h=e\) to get \(x = xe \coloneqq xh \in xH\).
The reverse containment is clear, so \(G = \bigcup_{x\in G} xH\) is a union of its cosets.
Suppose toward a contradiction that \(\ell \in xH \cap yH\) we’ll show \(xH = yH\).
Write \(\ell =xh_1 =yh_2\) for some \(h_i\), then \begin{align*} xh_1 = yh_2 &\implies x = yh_2 h_1^{-1}\\ xh_3\in xH &\implies xh_3 = (yh_2h_1^{-1}) h_3 \in yH ,\end{align*} so \(xH \subseteq yH\).
A symmetric argument shows \(y_H \subseteq xH\). 1
\begin{align*} aH = bH \iff a^{-1}b \in H \iff b^{-1}a\in H .\end{align*}
1 \begin{align*} aH = bH \iff a\in bH \iff a=bh \text{ for some } h \iff b^{-1}a = h \iff ba^{-1}\in H .\end{align*}
The index \([G: H]\) of a subgroup \(H\leq G\) is the number of left (or right) cosets \(gH\).
If you can reduce a problem to showing \(X \subseteq H\), it suffices to show \(xH = H\) for all \(x\in X\).
Cosets form an equivalence relation and thus partition a group. Nice trick: write \(G/H = \left\{{ g_1 H, g_2 H,\cdots, g_n H }\right\}\), then \(G = {\textstyle\coprod}_{i\leq n} g_i H\).
If \(H{~\trianglelefteq~}G\) and \(G\) is finite then \begin{align*} [G: H] = {\left\lvert {G/H} \right\rvert} = {{\left\lvert {G} \right\rvert} \over {\left\lvert {H} \right\rvert}} .\end{align*}
Show that if \(G\) is finite then \({\left\lvert {G} \right\rvert}/{\left\lvert {H} \right\rvert} = [G: H]\).
Special Groups
A dihedral group of order \(2n\) is given by \begin{align*} D_n = \left\langle{r, s {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}r^n, s^2, rsr^{-1}= s^{-1}}\right\rangle = \left\langle{r, s {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}r^n, s^2, (rs)^2 }\right\rangle \end{align*} The \(r\) is a cycle of length \(n\), and \(s\) is a reflection.
Examples of explicit cycle presentations:
- \(D_4 = \left\langle{(1,2,3,4), (1,3)}\right\rangle\) which is a \(2\pi/4\) rotation and a reflection through the diagonal line \(y=-x\) in a square.
- \(D_5 = \left\langle{(1,2,3,4,5), (1,5)(2,4)}\right\rangle\) which is a \(2\pi/5\) rotation and a reflection about the line through vertex \(3\) in a pentagon.
The Quaternion group of order 8 is given by \begin{align*} Q &= \left\langle{x,y,z {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}x^2 = y^2 = z^2 = xyz = -1}\right\rangle \\ &= \left\langle{x, y {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}x^4 = y^4, x^2 = y^2, yxy^{-1}= x^{-1}}\right\rangle \end{align*} Mnemonic: multiply clockwise to preserve sign, counter-clockwise to negate sign. Everything squares to \(-1\), and the triple product is \(-1\):
A subgroup \(H\leq S_n\) is transitive iff its action on \(\left\{{1, 2, \cdots, n}\right\}\) is transitive, i.e. for each pair \((i, j)\) there is some element \(\sigma\in H\) such that \(\sigma(i) = j\). Note that \(\sigma\) may not fix other elements, and can have other effects!
If \({\left\lvert {G} \right\rvert} = p^k\), then \(G\) is a p-group.
Cyclic Groups
\(G\) is cyclic of order \(n \coloneqq{\sharp}G\) iff \(G\) has a unique subgroup of order \(d\) for each \(d\) dividing \(n\).
\(\impliedby\): Use that \(\sum_{d\divides n} \phi(d) = n\), and that there are at most \(\phi(d)\) elements of order \(d\), forcing equality.
\(\implies\): If \(G = \left\langle{ a }\right\rangle\) with \(a^n=e\), then for each \(d\divides n\) take \(H_d \coloneqq\left\langle{ a^{n\over d} }\right\rangle\) for existence.
- Show that any cyclic group is abelian.
- Show that every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.
- Show that \begin{align*}\phi(n) = n \prod_{p\mathrel{\Big|}n}\qty{1 - {1\over p}}.\end{align*}
- Compute \(\mathop{\mathrm{Aut}}({\mathbf{Z}}/n{\mathbf{Z}})\) for \(n\) composite.
- Compute \(\mathop{\mathrm{Aut}}(\qty{{\mathbf{Z}}/p{\mathbf{Z}}}^n)\).
Symmetric Groups
The transposition presentation: \begin{align*} S_n \coloneqq\left\langle{ \sigma_1, \cdots, \sigma_{n-1} {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}\sigma_i^2, [\sigma_i, \sigma_j]\, (j\neq i+1), \sigma_i \sigma_{i+1} \sigma_i = \sigma_{i+1} \sigma_i \sigma_{i+1} }\right\rangle .\end{align*}
Writing a cycle as a product of transpositions, the map defined by \begin{align*} \operatorname{sgn}: S_n &\to ({\mathbf{Z}}/2, +) \\ \prod_{i\leq 2k} (a_i b_i) &\mapsto 0 \\ \prod_{i\leq 2k+1} (a_i b_i) &\mapsto 1 .\end{align*}
The kernel is the alternating group:
- Even cycles
- For a single cycle: has odd length
- Have an even number of even length cycles.
- Can be written as an even number of transpositions.
- Examples: \((1,2,3)\) or \((1,2)(3,4)\) in \(S_4\).
- Non-examples: \((1,2)\) or \((1,2,3,4)\) in \(S_4\), since they have an odd number of even length cycles.
The fiber over 1 is everything else:
- Odd cycles
- For a single cycle: has even length
- Have an odd number of even length cycles.
- Can be written as an odd number of transpositions
Mnemonic: the cycle parity of a \(k{\hbox{-}}\)cycle is the usual integer parity of \(k-1\).
The alternating group is the subgroup of even permutations, i.e. \begin{align*} A_n \coloneqq\left\{{\sigma \in S_n {~\mathrel{\Big\vert}~}\operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) = 0}\right\} .\end{align*} These are the permutations with an even number of even length cycles.
For \(n\geq 3\), \(A_n\) is generated by 3-cycles.
Every 3-cycle \((abc)\) is even, and thus in \(A_n\). Given an arbitrary even permutation \((t_1\ldots t_{2k})\), it decomposes into a product of an odd number of transpositions \((t_{2j-1} t_{2j})\). So it suffices to write every such transposition as a 3-cycle. There are only 3 cases the occur:
- \((ab)(ab) = ()\)
- \((ab)(ac) = (abc)\)
- \((ab)(cd) = (abc)(adc)\).
\begin{align*} A_3 = \left\{{ \operatorname{id}, (1,2,3), (1,3,2) }\right\} ,\end{align*} which has cycle types \((1,1,1)\) and \((3)\).
\begin{align*} A_4 = & \{\operatorname{id}, \\ & (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,4)(2,3), \\ & (1,2,3), (1,3,2), \\ & (1,2,4), (1,4,2), \\ & (1,3,4), (1,4,3), \\ & (2,3,4), (2,4,3) \} ,\end{align*} which has cycle types \((1,1,1,1), (2,2), (3, 1)\).
\(A_5\) is too big to write down, but has cycle types
- \((1,1,1,1,1)\)
- \((2,2,1)\)
- \((3,1,1)\)
- \((5)\)
- \(\sigma \circ (a_1 \cdots a_k)\circ \sigma^{-1} = (\sigma(a_1), \cdots \sigma(a_k))\)
- Conjugacy classes are determined by cycle type
- The order of a cycle is its length.
- The order of an element is the least common multiple of the sizes of its disjoint cycles.
- Disjoint cycles commute.
- \(A_{n\geq 5}\) is simple.
Show that if \(G\) is a finite group acting transitively on a set \(X\) with at least two elements, then there exists \(g \in G\) which fixes no point of \(X\).
Let \(p\) be prime. For each abelian group \(K\) of order \(p^2\), how many subgroups \(H\leq {\mathbf{Z}}^{\times 3}\) are there with \({\mathbf{Z}}^3/H \cong K\)?
Let \({\sharp}G = pq\), with \(p,q\) distinct primes. Show that \(G\) has a nontrivial proper normal subgroup, and if \(p\not\equiv 1\operatorname{mod}q\) and \(q\not \equiv 1 \operatorname{mod}p\) then \(G\) is abelian.
Let \(G\) be a finite group and let \(p\) be the smallest prime dividing \({\sharp}G\), and assume \(G\) has a normal subgroup of order \(p\). Show that \(H \subset Z(G)\).
Let \(G\) be finite and \(P\) a Sylow 2-subgroup. Assume \(P\) is cyclic and generated by \(x\). Show that the sign of the permutation of \(G\) corresponding to \(x\mapsto gx\) is 1, and deduce that \(G\) has a nontrivial quotient of order 2.