Fridays 12-2 PM EST
Week 1 (May 21): Preliminary Review (Point-Set)
- Topologies, continuity, homeomorphisms, subspaces and products, closures, open/closed/clopen, bases, retracts
- Compactness, metric spaces, completeness, boundedness
- Connectedness (path-connected & “locally” versions), totally disconnected
- mSeparation axioms, Hausdorff spaces, normal, regular
- The tube lemma
- Common counterexamples (sine curve)
Week 2 (May 38): The Fundamental Group
- Van Kampen
- Homotopic maps vs conjugacy, change of base point
- Nullhomotopic maps
Week 3 (June 4): Covering Spaces
- Definitions, HLP, deck transformations, regular covers, universal cover
- Classifications of covers, applications to subgroups of free groups
- Lifting criterion, Galois correspondence
Week 4 (June 11): CW Complexes, Pushouts
- Cellular chain complex
- Euler characteristic
- Hurewicz, LES in homotopy
- Simplicial complexes
Week 5 (June 18): Homology
- Mayer-Vietoris, Kunneth, UCT
- Cellular homology (direct definition)
- Relative homology
- Facts for manifolds (dim 3 and 4), Poincare duality
Week 6 (June 25): Surfaces
- Definition of manifolds (sphere, torus, projective spaces)
- Connect sum, fundamental polygons and gluing
- Classification of surfaces, boundary components
Week 7 (July 2): Fixed Points & Degree Theory
- Degree theory
- Lefschetz, Brouwer, Hairy Ball Theorem, Borsuk-Ulam
- Week 8 (July 9): Buffer
- Week 9 (July 16): Buffer
- Week 10 (July 23): Buffer
- Week 11 (July 30): Buffer
- Week 12 (August 6): Buffer
- Week 13 (August 13): Timed practice exam
- Quals: Monday and Tuesday, August 16-17
- Fundamental groups
- Covering spaces
- Higher homotopy groups.
- Fibrations and the long exact sequence of a fibration
- Singular homology and cohomology
- Relative homology
- CW complexes and the homology of CW complexes.
- Mayer-Vietoris
- Universal coefficient theorem
- Kunneth formula
- Poincare duality
- Lefschetz fixed point formula
- Hopf index theorem
- Cech cohomology and de Rham cohomology.
- Equivalence between singular, Cech and de Rham cohomology