Algebraic topology topics:
Classification of compact surfaces
Euler characteristic
Connect sum
Homology and cohomology groups
Fundamental group
Singular/cellular/simplicial homology
Mayer-Vietoris long exact sequences for homology and cohomology
Diagram chasing
Degree of maps from \(S^n \to S^n\)
Orientability, compactness
Top-level homology and cohomology
Reduced homology and cohomology
Relative homology
Homotopy and homotopy invariance
Deformation retract
Kunneth formula
Factoring maps
Fundamental theorem of algebra
Algebraic topology theorems:
Brouwer fixed point theorem
Poincaré lemma
Poincaré duality
de Rham theorem
Seifert-van Kampen theorem
Covering space theory topics:
Covering maps
Free actions
Properly discontinuous action
Universal cover
Correspondence between covering spaces and subgroups of the fundamental group of the base.
Lifting paths
Homotopy lifting property
Deck transformations
The action of the fundamental group
Normal/regular cover