Tags: #active_projects #qual_complex_analysis
Week 1: Preliminaries
- Complex arithmetic and geometry, conic section equations
- Uniform (continuity, differentiability, convergence)
- Inverse and implicit function theorems
- Green’s theorem, Stokes theorem
- Complex plane, Riemann sphere
State the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
Define what it means for a function to be
- Holomorphic
- Meromorphic
- Analytic
- Harmonic
- Uniformly continuous
- Uniformly bounded
- Entire
What does it mean for a sequence or series to uniformly converge?
State the Laplace equation.
What is the Dirichlet problem?
Discuss how to carry out partial fraction decomposition
Determine the radius of convergence of the power series for \(\sqrt z\) expanded at \(z_0= 4 + 3i\).
What is the logarithmic derivative?
Find a function \(f\) such that \(f^2\) is analytic on the open unit disc but \(f\) is not.
- Use that Lipschitz implies uniformly continuous.
- Derivation of CR equations: approach along totally real and totally imaginary paths for \(h\).
- Polar coordinates, chain rule, Cauchy-Riemann equations.
- Converges everywhere on \(S^1\): take \(\sum z^k/k^2\).
- Part 2: ???? Todo get help
Qual Problems
- Pasted image 20210517025502.png